David received his Ph.D. degree in using computational chemistry methods for the prediction of skin sensitization from the University of Cambridge (where he also studied for his undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences), before moving to the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, for postdoctoral research, and thence to Lhasa Limited.
David started at Lhasa Limited developing expert SAR alerts for Derek Nexus, and has subsequently developed broad expertise in computational methods as applied to biological systems, focusing on reactivity- and metabolism- mediated predictive toxicology, e.g. mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and skin sensitization. As well as being a key voice in the safety assessment of nitrosamines with many seminal publications, David co-leads (Q)SAR work within the HESI nitrosamine working group, coordinating the global response to the crisis. Within Consult Lhasa, David leverages this SAR expertise and the tools he has helped to develop to perform safety assessments for nitrosamines and other toxicants.